Box Office- In person and by phone:
Wed, Thu, Friday 1 pm - 5 pm
Additional Hours Posted During Shows

We respectfully acknowledge that we perform and gather on the unceded, ancestral, and traditional lands of the Semiahmoo First Nation and the broader territory of the Coast Salish Peoples.
White Rock Players' Club
1944-2024 Celebrating 80 Years
at Oceana PARC Playhouse
Past Shows
White Rock Players’ Club Productions 1944 – 2022
77 Years of Community Theatre!
Show: Director:
The Passing of the Third Floor Back Herbert Hindson
Tilly of Bloomsbury Herbert Hindson
The Thirteenth Chair Herbert Hindson
King For A Day Eric Dibb
George and Margaret Alex Goheen
The Campbells Are Coming Alex Goheen
Twin Beds Gary Splitt
Ladies Of The Jury Franklin Johnson
My Sister Eileen Franklin Johnson
Outward Bound Franklin Johnson
The Lovely Miracle Franklin Johnson
The Late Mrs. Cordell Franklin Johnson
Papa Never Done Nothing – Much Franklin Johnson
Mrs. Fothergill Joins The Angels Franklin Johnson
Arsenic And Old Lace Franklin Johnson
Tons Of Money Franklin Johnson
Ten Little Indians Franklin Johnson
Love Rides The Rails Franklin Johnson
Outward Bound Pauline Ettinger
Suspect Franklin Johnson
The Man Who Came To Dinner Franklin Johnson
Blithe Spirit Franklin Johnson
Father Of The Bride Franklin Johnson
John Ferguson Franklin Johnson
Miranda Franklin Johnson
The Kind Lady Franklin Johnson
The Boor J.P. Mitchell
See How They Run Franklin Johnson
Only An Orphan Girl Franklin Johnson
Hospital Hijinks Franklin Johnson
A Christmas Frolic Una Lilwall
Olympia Franklin Johnson
You Can't Take It With You Franklin Johnson
Night Must Fall Franklin Johnson
Twin Beds Franklin Johnson
A Quiet Weekend Franklin Johnson
The Women Franklin Johnson
The Play's The Thing Franklin Johnson
Jane Franklin Johnson
Spreading The News Franklin Johnson
The Boor Franklin Johnson
Hands Across The Sea Franklin Johnson
Jane Franklin Johnson
Gaslight Franklin Johnson
Babes In The Woods Franklin Johnson
My Three Angels Franklin Johnson
Daughters Of The Sea Franklin Johnson
The Rose And The Crown Brian Lane
The Shewing Up Of Blanco Posnet Brian Lane
Mr. Pim Passes By Brian Lane
Petticoat Fever Franklin Johnson
Androcles And The Lion Franklin Johnson
Aladdin Franklin Johnson
The Curious Savage Franklin Johnson
To Dorothy A Son Brian Lane
Family Album Franklin Johnson
Curse You Jack Dalton Brian Lane
From Five To Five Thirty Brian Lane
Puss In Boots Franklin Johnson
The House Of Bernardino Alba Franklin Johnson
Room Service Franklin Johnson
The Devil And Daniel Webster Franklin Johnson
Here We Come Gathering Franklin Johnson
Nina Franklin Johnson
Our Town Franklin Johnson
Bluebeard Franklin Johnson
Playboy Of The Western World Franklin Johnson
The Jackdaw Franklin Johnson
April Dawn Dennis Meade
The Remarkable Mr. Pennypacker Franklin Johnson
Dark Of The Moon Franklin Johnson
Teahouse Of The August Moon Franklin Johnson
The Play's The Thing Franklin Johnson
The Hasty Heart Franklin Johnson
George Washington Slept Here Brian Lane
Cinderella Franklin Johnson
Auntie Mame Franklin Johnson
The Crucible Franklin Johnson
The Reluctant Debutante Tom Kerr
Mr. Roberts Franklin Johnson
Robinson Crusoe Franklin Johnson
The Merchant Of Venice Antony Holland
Ladies In Retirement Franklin Johnson
Blue Denim Franklin Johnson
Aladdin Franklin Johnson
The Amorous Prawn Franklin Johnson
The Apprentice Clown Franklin Johnson
A Step In The Hollow Franklin Johnson
Our Town Franklin Johnson
Jack and the Beanstalk Franklin Johnson
Strange Bedfellows Franklin Johnson
Love Rides The Rails Franklin Johnson
Dark Of The Moon Franklin Johnson
Babes In The Woods Franklin Johnson
Teach Me How To Cry Brian Lane
Professor Taranne Franklin Johnson
The Emperor's New Clothes Franklin Johnson
The Women Franklin Johnson
Riders To The Sea Barbara Carlin
The Death And Life Of Sneaky Fitch Franklin Johnson
Free As Air Robin Lake
Sleeping Beauty Brian Lane
Sight Unseen Phil Ellerbeck
Spring Will Come Barbara Carlin
The Hundred And First Bill Hagan
Riders To The Sea Barbara Carlin
Only An Orphan Girl Franklin Johnson
I Remember Mama Barbara Carlin
Pinnochio Ed Carlin
Blood Wedding Barbara Carlin
Barefoot In The Park Franklin Johnson
Just Add Laughter And Stir Wayne Draper
Cinderella Franklin Johnson
An Italian Straw Hat Franklin Johnson
The Odd Couple Brian Lane
Camel With Wrinkled Knees Barbara Carlin
Cat On A Hot Tin Roof Barbara Carlin
Snow White Ed Carlin
Thieves' Carnival Brian Lane
Clear View Of An Irish Mist Franklin Johnson
If Men Played Cards Like Women Do Franklin Johnson
Amor de Cosmos Comes to Town * unknown
Little Women Carol Kennedy
A Thousand Clowns Paul Murphy
Sinbad the Sailor Brian Lane
The Grand Chams Diamond Stephanie Long
Zoo Story John Brighton
The Invisible Worm Carol Kennedy
Bring It Up Again * unknown
Arsenic And Old Lace Carol Kennedy
Red Riding Hood Ed Carlin
The Man Who Came To Dinner Franklin Johnson
Of Poems And Spring Don Snook
Mr. Sampson Jim Mattson
Two Gentlemen Of Soho Bill O'Hagan
Sweeney Todd Franklin Johnson
Never Too Late John B. Scott
Robinson Crusoe Franklin Johnson
Enter A Free Man Bill O'Hagan
The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds Franklin Johnson
The Glass Menagerie Barbara Carlin
Here Lies Jeremie Troy John B. Scott
Hansel And Gretel Franklin Johnson
The Matchmaker Brian Lane
Spreading The News Bryce Babcock
The Form John B. Scott
The Lesson John Brighton
Spreading The News Bryce Babcock
The Drunkard Franklin Johnson
Romanoff And Juliet John Brighton
Puss In Boots Franklin Johnson
Our Hearts Were Young And Gay Gwyneth Harvey
Theme From Anastasia Heidi Bumann
The Licence Dave Cursons
You're A Good Man Charlie Brown Kim Butchart
See How They Run Franklin Johnson
The Clown That Wouldn't Clown Heidi Bumann
Plaza Suite Carol Kennedy
Jack and the Beanstalk Franklin Johnson
The Man In The Dog Suit Gwyneth Harvey
The Dunmow Flitch Franklin Johnson
The Mousetrap Royce Hill
The Apple Tree Royce Hill
The Emperor's New Clothes Carol Kennedy
Dial M For Murder Gwyneth Harvey
You Can't Take It With You Franklin Johnson/Guy Forman
Luv Gwyneth Harvey
Any Wednesday Carol Kennedy
Aladdin Franklin Johnson
The Rattle Of A Simple Man Scott Wheeler
Of The Fields Lately Wyckham Porteous
Like Father Like Fun Franklin Johnson
Ten Little Indians John Peter MacKenzie
Pretzels Scott Wheeler
Babes In The Woods Guy Forman
Butterflies Are Free Franklin Johnson
6 rms riv vw John Peter MacKenzie
Of Mice And Men Irene N. Watts
Angel Street Mary Veats
Don't Drink The Water Franklin Johnson
Dick Whittington Carol Kennedy
On The Street Where You Live Scott Wheeler
Death Of A Salesman Irene N. Watts
Bell, Book And Candle Ian Rankine
The Little Hut Scott Wheeler
Cinderella Franklin Johnson
Laura Robin Rankine
The Diary Of Anne Frank Scott Wheeler
Bus Stop Ian Rankine
Boeing Boeing Vicki Watts
Robinson Crusoe John Peter MacKenzie
Fallen Angels Scott Wheeler
A Cry Of Players Irene N. Watts / Ian Rankine
Blue Champagne Robin Rankine
On Golden Pond Irene N. Watts
Boy Blue Franklin Johnson
Rebecca Scott Wheeler
Come Back Little Sheba Franklin Johnson
Marriage Go Round Shelagh Shermann
Dracula Scott Wheeler
The Emperor's New Clothes Carol Kennedy
Ninotchka Shelagh Shermann
When The Lights Go On Again Scott Wheeler
Chapter Two Susanne McLellan
Wisdom Of Eve Scott Wheeler
The Dancing Princess Franklin Johnson
Bad Seed Irene N. Watts
Teahouse Of The August Moon Franklin Johnson
Poor Richard Paddy MacIntee
When The Lights Go On Again Scott Wheeler
Robin Hood Scott Wheeler
Lion In Winter Paddy MacIntee
Dangerous Corner Shelagh Shermann
Love Rides The Rails Franklin Johnson
My Three Angels Scott Wheeler
Aladdin Franklin Johnson
I Never Sang For My Father Ian Rankine
Mr Winkler’s Birthday Party John B. Scott
Hobson's Choice Paddy MacIntee
Miranda Susanne McLellan
84 Charing Cross Road Scott Wheeler
Babes In The Woods Franklin Johnson
Murder Is Announced Lee Taylor
The Corn Is Green Irene N. Watts
Lover's Leap John B. Scott
They're Playing Our Song Irene N. Watts
Dick Whittington Marc Bourrel
A Trip To Bountiful Franklin Johnson
Octette Bridge Club Scott Wheeler
Squabbles John B. Scott
Life With Father Shelagh Shermann
Jack and the Beanstalk Marc Bourrel
A Month Of Sundays Lee Taylor
Tonight At Eight Scott Wheeler
Having A Wonderful Time, Wish You Were Here John B. Scott
Fox Fire Irene N. Watts
Robinson Crusoe Marc Bourrel
Cold Storage Scott Wheeler
Nurse Jane Goes To Hawaii Marlet Magnusson
It Was A Dark And Stormy Night Marc Bourrel
Alone Together Marlet Magnusson
Night Must Fall Marc Bourrel
Snow White John B. Scott
Tomorrow Box Pat Etheridge
Romantic Comedy Susanne McLellan
Sweeney Todd Scott Wheeler
Night of January 16th Howard Partridge
Sinbad Michael Bugera
Heaven Can Wait John B. Scott
The Nerd Dean Gibson
Arsenic And Old Lace Brian Lane
Cinderella Marc Bourrel
Night Of The Iguana Irene N. Watts
I'll Be Back Before Midnight Ken Morton
Robin Hood Scott Wheeler
Educating Rita Gary Saunders
What I Did Last Summer David L. Austin
Loot Ken Morton
Rapunzel Carol Kennedy
Barefoot In The Park Ellie King
The Death and Life of Sneaky Fitch John B. Scott
Dead Serious Doug Greenall
Mouse Trap Marc Bourrel
Sleeping Beauty Brian Lane
Steel Magnolias Scott Wheeler
The Foreigner Mike Kennedy
Jacques Plante & the Parkdale Knitting League Ken Morton
Gossip Paul Mosher
Death Trap Marc Bourrel
Mother Goose Scott Wheeler
Lie, Cheat and Genuflect John B. Scott
The Dresser Ken Morton
Don't Dress For Dinner David Lloyd Austin
Only an Orphan Girl Marlet Magnusson
Straight and Narrow Ken Morton
Alakazam Scott Wheeler
The Woman in Black Ken Morton
Once In A Lifetime Scott Wheeler
The Black Bonspiel of Wullie McCrimmon Marc Bourrel
Bloodline Marlet Magnusson
Fatal Attraction Ken Morton
Dick Whittington Marc Bourrel
Stage Struck Colleen McGoff-Dean
Follies of a Summer Night Scott Wheeler
You Say Tomatoes Ken Morton
Speed-the-Plow Dave Baron
All About Eve Scott Wheeler
Cinderella Marc Bourrel
Tribute Ken Morton
Maltese Falcon Scott Wheeler
Whodunnit Marlet Magnusson
Daisy Pulls It Off Scott Wheeler
Dracula Scott Wheeler
A Sword in the Stone Scott Wheeler
Psychopathia Sexualis Dave Baron
The Great Gatsby Scott Wheeler
Talent For Murder Ken Morton
Catholic School Girls Scott Wheeler
Dinner With an Idiot Scott Wheeler
The Princess and the Dragon Michael Roberds
Talley’s Folly Dave Baron
The Wild Party Scott Wheeler
An Inspector Calls Ken Morton
Psycho Beach Party Scott Wheeler
Who’s on First? Dave Baron
The Three Musketeers Scott Wheeler
Wait Until Dark Ken Morton
Husbands and Wives Scott Wheeler
Fanny From Frisco Marlet Magnusson
A Girl’s Guide To Chaos Scott Wheeler
Murder by the Book Ken Morton
Babes In The Woods Scott Wheeler
Silly Cow Dave Baron
Casablanca Scott Wheeler
Bathroom Humor Kate Bethell
Mummy Dearest Scott Wheeler
Murder Takes The Stage Ken Morton
The Gin Game Marlet Magnusson
When The Lights Go On Again Gordon Mantle
The Motor Trade Dave Baron
Communicating Doors Randy Holmes
The Emperor's New Clothes Marlet Magnusson
Lips Together, Teeth Apart Dave Baron
Madonna Dale Kelly
Lettice & Lovage Ken Morton
Ha! Marc Bourrel
The Dawn Patrol Dave Baron
Aladdin Marlet Magnusson
Cemetery Club Jacqollyne Keath
Dead Ringer John Hedgecock
Office Hours Dale Kelly
The Passion of Dracula David Lloyd Austin
Puss In Boots Susanne de Pencier
Twentieth Century Paul Kloegman
Safe Dave Baron
Dearly Departed Dale Kelly
The Murder Room Ken Fynn
Snow White Susanne de Pencier
Bedtime Stories Dave Baron
Humble Boy Paul Kloegman
The Stepmother Alan White
Dead Man's Cell Phone Dave Carroll
Robinson Crusoe Katherine Bethell
Earth and Sky Dale Kelly
Ladies of the Camellias Paul Kloegman
The Cat's Meow Shelagh Shermann
Accomplice David Lloyd Austin
Mother Goose Dave Baron
Drinking Alone Susanne de Pencier
The Lion in Winter Dale Kelly
Lend Me a Tenor Ryan Mooney
Who Walks in the Dark Paul Kloegman
Pinocchio Dave Baron
The Good Game Lisa Pavilionis
Fools Ryan Mooney
Ten Little Indians Dale Kelly
The Crucible Ryan Mooney
Rumpelstiltskin Susanne de Pencier
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum Ryan Mooney
Moonlight and Magnolias Ryan Mooney
Barefoot in the Park Marko Hohlbein
Noises Off! Ryan Mooney
Babes in the Woods Lisa Pavilionis
Side by Side by Sondheim Ryan Mooney
Quartet Don Briard
I Hate Hamlet Dale Kelly
Death of a Salesman Ryan Mooney
Cinderella Lisa Pavilionis
Boeing Boeing Ryan Mooney
Private Lives Marko Hohlbein
The Odd Couple Pat McDermott
The Female Odd Couple Susanne de Pencier
Frankenstein 1930 Dann Wilhelm
Alice in Wonderland Lisa Pavilionis
The Graduate Kate Stadel
Glorious! Don Briard
Leading Ladies Helen Embury
The Woman in Black Mike Busswood
The Hunchback of Notre Dame Alex Lowe
Don't Dress for Dinner Julianne Christie
August Osage County Ryan Mooney
Ninotchka Dale Kelly
Harvey Cathe Busswood
Robin Hood and the Skytrain of Doom Dann Wilhelm
The Comedy of Tenors Julianne Christie
Present Laughter Susanne de Pencier
Laughter on the 23rd Floor Lance Peverley
Dracula, The Bloody Truth Cathe Busswood
Aladdin and the Magic Lamp Dann Wilhelm
How the Other Half Loves Susanne de Pencier
Spamalot Dann Wilhelm & Lisa Pavilionis
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time Linda McRae
Once Upon A Panto - The Legend of Shenanigans Dann Wilhelm
Monty Python's SPAMALOT
Robinson Crusoe PANTO
Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time
Other Desert Cities
Over the River and Through the Woods